
Publications by Research Topics


  1. Instrument Calibration:
  2. Goodness-of-fit Assessment with High-order Asymptotics: Chen et al. (2024+), Bonamente et al. (2024 ApJ).

  3. Solar Flare Forecasting:

Data-Driven Approaches for Space Weather

  1. Prediction Models for Solar Energetic Particles:
  2. Prediction Models for Geomagnetic Indices:
  3. Imputation and Prediction for TEC Maps:
  4. Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification: Jivani et al. (2023 SW).

Statistical Methodology

  1. Prior Influence in Bayesian Inference: Jones et al. (2022 BA).

  2. Matrix Autoregressive Model with Global Exogeneous Predictors: Sun et al. (2024+).

  3. Finite Mixture Models – Order Selection and Misspecification: Chen et al. (2024+).

Applied Statistics in Biological Sciences and Epidemiology

  1. Biological Sciences: Chen et al. (2016 JASA), Choi et al. (2020 GB).

  2. Epidemiology: Zhao et al. (2019 IJE), Trangucci et al. (2023 AOAS), Trangucci et al. (2023+), Iong et al. (2023 AOAS), Trangucci et al. (2024+).

My research statement in 2024 is here.

Full List of Publications by Year

Also available at my Google Scholar and Research Gate pages.

* corresponding author


  1. V. Verma, S. Stoev, Y. Chen, On the optimal prediction of extreme events in heavy-tailed time series with applications to solar flare forecasting, Journal of Time Series Analysis, [arXiv].
  2. H. Chen, N. Sachdeva, Z. Huang, B. van der Holst, W. Manchester IV, A. Jivani, S. Zou, Y. Chen, X. Huan, G. Toth, Decent Estimate of CME Arrival time from a Data-assimilated Ensemble in the Alfvén Wave Solar atmosphere Model (DECADE-AWSoM), Space Weather, [journal].
  3. H. Chen, G. Toth, Y. Chen, S. Zou, X. Huan, GeoDGP: Global Probabilistic Geomagnetic Perturbation Forecast- ing using Deep Gaussian Process, [journal].
  4. Y. Chen*, X. Li, X. Meng, D. van Dyk, V. Kashyap, M. Bonamente (2024), Comparison of Goodness–of–fit Assessment Methods with C statistics in Astronomy, in preparation.
  5. R. Trangucci, Y. Chen, J. Zelner, Identified Vaccine Efficacy for Binary Post-infection Outcomes under Misclassification without monotonicity, submitted. [arXiv]
  6. Y. Chen, C.-D. Fuh, C.-L. Kao, Determine the Number of States in Hidden Markov Models via Marginal Likelihoods, [arXiv].
  7. H. Sun, Z. Shang, Y. Chen*, Matrix Autoregressive Model with Vector Time Series Covariates for Spatio-Temporal Data, submitted. [arXiv]
  8. W. Liu, I. Ibenaz, Y. Chen, A. Agrawal, Transitory Sustainability Effects of Behavioral Changes: Short-Term Benefits of COVID-19 Lockdowns Reversed Over Time, Resulting in More Wildfires in the Amazon, submitted. [Link]
  9. M. Aguirre, W. Sun, Y. Chen, J. Jin, Automatic Identification of Driving Maneuver Patterns Using a Robust Hidden Semi-Markov Model, [Link]
  10. R. Trangucci, J. Contreras, J. Zelner, Y. Chen (2024), Bayesian Methods for Cumulative Exposure to Extensive Environmental Health Hazards: A Bayesian Inverse Perspective. [arXiv]
  11. H. Sun, Y. Chen* (2024), Conformalized Tensor Completion with Riemannian Optimization, [arXiv].
  12. J. Li, J. Cai, Y. Chen, D. Xia, Online Tensor Learning: Computational and Statistical Trade-offs, Adaptivity and Optimal Regret, [arXiv].


  1. B. Viet Do, Y. Chen*, L. Nguyen, W. Manchester, Uncovering Heterogeneity of Solar Flare Mechanism with Mixture Models, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 11 (2024): 1229092. [arXiv], [journal].
  2. D. Iong, M. McAnear, Y. Qu, S. Zou, G. Toth, Y. Chen* (2024), Sparse Variational Contaminated Noise Gaussian Process Regression with Applications in Geomagnetic Perturbations Forecasting, Data Science in Science, Volume 3 Issue 1. [arXiv], [journal].
  3. Y. Chen (2024), Discussion on “Poisson-FOCuS: An Efficient Online Method for Detecting Count Bursts with Application to Gamma Ray Burst Detection” by Ward, Dilillo, Eckley, and Fearnhead, Journal of the American Statistical Association.
  4. D. Iong, Q. Zhao, and Y. Chen (2024), A Latent Mixture Model for Heterogeneous Causal Mechanisms in Mendelian Randomization, Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 18, No. 2, 966-990. [journal].
  5. Y. Chen, W. Manchester, M. Jin, A. Pevtsov, Solar Imaging Data Analytics: A Selective Overview of Challenges and Opportunities, Statistics and Data Science in Imaging (2024). [arXiv], [journal].
  6. H. Tak, Y. Chen, V. Kashyap, K. Mandel, X.-L. Meng, A. Siemiginowska, D. van Dyk, Statistical Maxims for Sound Astronomical Data Analysis, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 275(2), 30. [journal]
  7. M. Bonamente, Y. Chen, D. Zimmerman, Maximum–likelihood Regression with Systematic Errors for Astronomy and the Physical Sciences: I. Methodology and Goodness–of–fit Statistic of Poisson Data, The Astrophysical Journal, [arXiv].


  1. Y. Chen*, S. Maloney, E. Camporeale, X. Huang, Z. Zhou, Editorial: Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Solar Flare Predictions, Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences, Sec. Stellar and Solar Physics, Volume 10 - 2023. [journal]
  2. H. Sun, Y. Chen, S. Zou, J. Ren, Y. Chang, Z. Wang, A. Coster, Complete Global Total Electron Content (TEC) Map Dataset based on a Video Imputation Algorithm, Scientific Data - Nature, Number 10:236, 2023. [journal]
  3. H. Sun, W. Manchester, M. Jin, Y. Liu, Y. Chen*, Tensor Gaussian Process with Contraction for Multi-Channel Imaging Analysis, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202:32913-32935, 2023. [conference proceeding]
  4. H. Sun, J. Ren, Y. Chen, S. Zou, VISTA TEC database [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data, 2023. [data]
  5. R. Trangucci, Y. Chen, J. Zelner, Modeling Rates of Disease with Missing Categorical Data, Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2723-2758, 2023. [journal]
  6. A. Jivani, N. Sachdeva, Z. Huang, Y. Chen, B. van der Holst, W. Manchester, D. Iong, H. Chen, S. Zou, X. Huan, G. Toth, Global Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification for Background Solar Wind using the Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere Model, Space Weather 21.1, 2023: e2022SW003262. [journal]
  7. Z. Wang, S. Zou, H. Sun, Y. Chen, Forecast Global Ionospheric TEC: Apply Modified U-Net on VISTA TEC Dataset, Space Weather 21, no. 8 (2023): e2023SW003494. [journal]


  1. K. Whitman et al. Review of Solar Energetic Particle Models, Advances in Space Research, 2022. [journal]
  2. H. Sun, Z. Hua, J. Ren, S. Zou, Y. Sun and Y. Chen*. Matrix Completion Methods for the Total Electron Video Reconstruction, Annals of Applied Statistics 16(3), 1333-1358, 2022. [journal]
  3. Z. Sun, M. Bobra, X. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Sun, T. Gombosi, Y. Chen, A. Hero. Predicting Solar Flares Using CNN and LSTM on Two Solar Cycles of Active Region Data, The Astrophysical Journal, 931(2), 2022. [journal]
  4. M. Aktukmak, Z. Sun, M. Bobra, T. I. Gombosi, W. Manchester, Y. Chen, A. O. Hero. Incorporating Polar Field Data for Improved Solar Flare Prediction, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 21 December 2022, Sec. Stellar and Solar Physics, Volume 9 - 2022. [journal]
  5. S. Kasapis, L. Zhao, Y. Chen, X. Wang, M. Bobra, T. I. Gombosi. Interpretable Machine Learning to Forecast SEP Events for Solar Cycle 23, Space Weather, 20.2, 2022. [journal]
  6. D. Iong, Y. Chen, G. Toth, S. Zou, T. Pulkkinen, J. Ren, E. Camporeale, T. Gombosi, New Findings From Explainable SYM‐H Forecasting Using Gradient Boosting Machines, Space Weather, 20(8), p.e2021SW002928, 2022. [journal]
  7. D. E. Jones, R. N. Trangucci, Y. Chen*. Quantifying Observed Prior Impact, Bayesian Analysis, 17(3), 737-764, 2022. [journal]


  1. H. Sun, W. B. Manchester IV, Y. Chen*. Improved and Interpretable Solar Flare Predictions with Spatial and Topological Features of the Polarity-inversion-line Masked Magnetograms, Space Weather, 19, e2021SW002837, 2021. [journal]
  2. A. Farahi, Y. Chen. TATTER: A Hypothesis Testing Tool for Multi-dimensional Data, Astronomy and Computing, 34, 2021. [journal]
  3. H. Marshall, Y. Chen, J. Drake, M. Guainazzi, V. L. Kashyap, X.-L. Meng, P. Plucinsky, P. Ratzlaff, D. van Dyk, X. Wang. Concordance: In-flight Calibration of X-ray Telescopes without Absolute References, The Astronomical Journal, 162(6), 2021. [journal]
  4. W. Ma, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, N. Magee, Y. Chen, C. Zang. BARTweb: a Web Server for Transcription Factor Association Analysis, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 3(2), 2021. [journal]
  5. S. Zou, J. Ren, Z. Wang, H. Sun, Y. Chen. Impact of Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) on Ion Upflow Fluxes During Geomagnetic Storm, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 23, 2021. [journal]


  1. Z. Jiao, H. Sun, X. Wang, W. Manchester, T. Gombosi, A. Hero, Y. Chen*. Solar Flare Intensity Prediction with Machine Learning Models, Space Weather, 18(7), 2020. [journal]
  2. X. Wang, Y. Chen, G. Toth, W. B. Manchester, T. I. Gombosi, A. O. Hero, Z. Jiao, H. Sun, M. Jin, Y. Liu, Predicting Solar Flares with Machine Learning: Investigating Solar Cycle Dependence, The Astrophysical Journal, 895(3), 2020. [journal]
  3. R. Trangucci, D. Hansen, Y. Chen, Contributed Discussion for “On a Class of Objective Priors from Scoring Rules (with discussion)”, Bayesian Analysis, 15(4), 1345-1423, 2020. [journal]
  4. K. Choi, Y. Chen, D. A. Skelly, G. A. Churchill, Bayesian Model Selection Reveals Biological Origins of Zero Inflation in Single-cell Transcriptomics, Genome Biology 21, 2020. [journal]
  5. J. Ren, J. Lu, S. Zou, N. Giertych, Y. Chen, R. H. Varney, Statistical Study of Ion Upflow and Downflow Observed by the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR), Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(10), 2020. [journal]
  6. A. Farahi, D. Nagai, and Y. Chen. PoPE: A Population-based Approach to Model the Spatial Structure of Astronomical Systems, The Astronomical Journal 161(1), 2020. [journal]


  1. Y. Chen, X.-L. Meng, X. Wang, D. A. van Dyk, H. L. Marshall, V. L. Kashyap. Calibration Concordance for Astronomical Instruments via Multiplicative Shrinkage, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(527), 1018-1037, 2019. [journal]
  2. F. Seeger, A. Little, Y. Chen, T. Woolf, H. Cheng and J. Mitchell. Feature Design for Protein Interface Hotspots Using KFC2 and Rosetta, Research in Data Science (Springer), 177-197, 2019. [book chapter]
  3. Q. Zhao, Y. Chen, J. Wang, and D. S. Small. Powerful Genome-wide Design and Robust Statistical Inference in Two-sample Summary-data Mendelian Randomization, International Journal of Epidemiology, 48(5), 1478-1492, 2019. [journal]
  4. Y. Chen, W.B. Manchester, A.O. Hero, G. Toth, B. DuFumier, T. Zhou, X. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Sun, and T.I. Gombosi, Identifying Solar Flare Precursors Using Time Series of SDO/HMI Images and SHARP Parameters, Space Weather 17(10), 1404-1426, 2019. [journal]

Before 2018

  1. Y. Chen, K. Shen, S. Shan, and S. C. Kou. Analyzing Single-molecule Protein Transportation Experiments via Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association 111(515), 951-966, 2016. [journal]
  2. H. Bavli, Y. Chen. Shrinkage Estimation in the Adjudication of Civil Damage Claims, Review of Law & Economics, 13(2), 2017. [journal]
  3. S. Yang, Y. Chen, E. Bernton, and J. S. Liu. On Parallelizable Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms with Waste-recycling, Statistics and Computing 28(5), 1073-1081, 2018. [journal]